Why we must invest in nature today: CPIC News Pulse April 2020

Apr 16, 2020
The author

CPIC Secretariat

The COVID19 outbreak has highlighted the fragility of our modern world and the importance of building our physical and economic resilience – of coming together as a global community to fight immediate threats to keep everyone safe and healthy.

At the same time, we cannot afford to lose sight of the continued need to build our environmental resilience.

By investing in nature, we can address the slower moving, systemic risk of climate change that must also stay at the forefront of our agendas – to reduce the probability of similar outbreaks, to safeguard vulnerable communities and ecosystems, and to create a healthier future for all.

The work that CPIC is doing has never been more important. And it is gaining momentum: from increased media inquiries to the CPIC Secretariat, to news coverage on the critical need to keep afloat the capital providers of pro-social ventures in areas such as health, climate, and water, which have come to represent an emerging model for global sustainable development.

As always, we thank each one of you for being a part of our journey to increase private investment in conservation, and to enable a thriving wildlife and healthier planet for communities & commerce alike.

Read the full round-up of updates in the CPIC News Pulse for April.